About Luke Madams
I am a composer based in Canterbury and in September 2020 completed my MMus in Composition here at Goldsmiths. I completed my undergraduate degree at Canterbury Christ Church University, where I won the 2017 Canterbury Festival Maxwell-Davies Memorial Prize for Composition. Future projects will be uploaded to my YouTube channel (https://youtube.com/channel/UCnReLzQH2PJCbH47H18ol8g), and I can be emailed at lmada001@gold.ac.uk or luke_madams@hotmail.co.uk for my information on my work. My plan for the immediate future is to develop The Machinery into a larger set of works dealing with the loss of natural spaces, with a view to organising a programme of works from local artists documenting Graveney marshes before construction on the solar farm begins.
Further information on the solar power station can be found at the following links:
Cleve Hill Solar Park: www.clevehillsolar.com
Save Graveney Marshes: www.savegraveneymarshes.org